How to use Insights© Cards

Insights© are a set of cards that were created as a tool to empower and
encourage you through journaling, contemplation and conversation.

Please use your intuition with the Insights© cards, the ego may give us what we
WANT to hear instead of what we would benefit from hearing.

Each box of cards holds 93 two sided cards with questions and statements
on them and they are divided into four categories:

Main, Aspects, Enlightenments & Gifts
Insights Cards

The first section holds the Mainsubject cards which is where you will find the primary topic to contemplate. 

There is one word on both sides of each card and if they both speak to you, use them together, otherwise choose one word and work with it in combination with cards from the other sections.

The questions on each card are to encourage you to reflect on what that word might mean to you if the word itself doesn’t spark your thoughts and deepen your insights.

Sample question to ask before you draw a card in this section:
  • For the Main subject: “Give me a topic to reflect on.”
If you know what you want information about then ask :  

“Tell me what I need to know about__________”?
(eg. my health, or my work, children, love life, pet, holiday, parents... etc.

After choosing your Main topic or if you already know your topic, go to the Aspects Section and choose 3 or more of these cards to explore your Main topic in depth.

Sample question to ask before you draw cards from this section:

For the Aspects cards:  “Show me the significance of working with the main topic”?

The third section holds the Enlightenments cards which will provide you with direction on where to go from here or show you where you hesitate to move forward with courage.

Sample question to ask before you draw cards from this section:

Enlightenments cards:    “Where do I go from here?”

In the last section you will find the Gifts or encouragement cards. Choose one or both sides of a card and as many as you like.

Insights© Cards Example of How to Use and Read Them

Please Be Aware:

If the statement on one of your cards “pushes your buttons” makes you feel anger or uneasy, that’s a clue you are working with the correct card.

If cards drop out of the deck when you shuffle them, they can be used in conjunction with all the other cards you draw at that time, or put them all back in the deck and draw more cards.

What to do if you draw a card that seems to be totally not for you. You may put the card back in the deck, shuffle and draw another card but don’t be surprised if you draw the same card again.

Draw cards from each section and write in your journal the word(s) that speaks to you the most or simply lay the cards out on a table in front of you... a story will come to you if you read your cards that way. Remember to allow your intuitive mind to read the cards.

Using the Insights© cards with groups of people:

Confidentiality is important when using the cards with a group of people.

Begin by asking a question: “What subject is in the highest good of the entire group to work on?”

Each person at the table draws one card from a different section until one card is drawn from each section... Lay the cards out to tell a story. Then, one at a time, each person at the table will give what that particular group of cards means to them.   

If they need more information they simply draw more Aspect cards to give them personal food for thought and possibly another Enlightenment card for direction.   

I have seen the same group of cards give 4 different meanings to all four people. Work with the word(s) that speak to you the most. There are no hard and fast rules for using these cards. Let your intuition guide you to choose the cards you need for clarity.

When working with a group of people it’s wise to be asked for opinions rather than just give unsolicited advice or ideas to anyone sitting around your table.

If you are using the cards with people you know well and trust then you might ask each person at the table to give their intuitions about your particular set of words chosen or take a picture of them on your phone to contemplate when you get home.

About Lynda

Lynda is known for encouraging people to get in touch with the voice within, subsequently trusting what they hear from the source, creator, their guides, Angels, or God.

Lynda Buckland


When we write down our thoughts and feelings on paper it often gives us understanding and clarity. If you struggle with a stressful situation that you can't get out of your mind, depression, or anxiety, keeping a journal can help you gain control of your emotions. Once you understand why you feel the way you do, the negative effects often disappear.
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